In 1994 she joined the city contemporary dance company ii for experimental and promotional workshops and theaters 1994年加入城市当代舞蹈团二团,演出多个实验性剧场及推广环境舞蹈。
In 1999 - 2000 , organisations that received three - year grants are chung ying theatre company , city contemporary dance company , hong kong ballet , hong kong sinfonietta , ming ri theatre and zuni icosahedron . one - year grants went to semi - professional arts organisations to assist them become professional with full - time artists andor management staff 一年计划专为规模较小、半专业的艺团而设,目的是协助他们发展成为专业艺团,拥有全职的艺术工作者及管理人员。
City Contemporary Dance Dompany (CCDC) is a leading modern dance company in Hong Kong. In 1979, Willy Tsao founded the company and is now the Artistic Director and Chief Executive Director.